A special find

Whoa.. I love tin and there were two canteens that had a perfect shape sitting with the kitchen ware. I love the patina, the trade marks and colour too. Divine! I bought both of them of course, especially liking the camouflage green one. Once home I googled the company name Sigg. Turns out to be Swiss and a company that has been going for 90 odd years. These canteens are Swiss Army mountain gear. I can’t find out how old they are but I fell in love with the photo from Pinterest.image

Two saucepans are made from the canteen.
Spot the Swiss cross
These canteens are actually made of high grade aluminium. Such wonderful finds.

9 thoughts on “A special find

  1. Reblogged this on vintagethrifter51.com and commented:
    I would probably carry this as a purse. SIlly I know but I had an old army binoculars case that I carried for many years as a handbag, it once protected me from being mugged. No one wants to be hit in the head with a heavy hard bag. Cheers, Michele


    1. Hi Michele. This made me laugh! Good idea! Thanks for following my blog. Don’t know how you found it… Would love to know as I only have a couple of views per entry! Cheers from New Zealand.


      1. I searched op shop on WordPress and there you were. I find the thrifters from Australia and New Zealand are pretty cool and amazing and so I was very happy to find your blog. I can’t get over the prices you have to pay because I think your dollar is valued much higher than our Canadian dollar and the prices seem quite high sometimes. Look forward to more posts from you. Cheers, Michele


    1. Hi ya. Yes- I spent far more time than I should have trying to hunt down details. I often wonder how these items get to New Zealand. There is obviously some history with them. Thanks for following my little blog. Would you mind telling me how you found it? I usually only have one or two views per post. Cheers.

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