
I love the bold graphic of this  heavy cotton I found today- and such rich red.

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In Australia and New Zealand  the shops that I love are called op shops…standing for ‘opportunity shops’. In other countries they are thrift stores, charity shops  or retail  shops. My  favourite is my local Hospice Shop. The cause is close to my heart and  I know that what I spend is a direct donation to our Hospice. So I can spend to my heart’s content and if I change my mind I can take the item back. I have a basket in my hallway to collect items that we no longer want. I  have opshopped for over 40 years and I would love to have photos of the first op shop that I used to visit regularly in the mid seventies.  I mainly bought clothes back then… I don’t go near the racks of clothes now. I can remember lots of china teacups – but that is all. I love old linen- especially vintage sheets with so many amazing patterns. Here’s today’s find and then a pic of other pillowcases I have bought this year.


Where I live they are still not highly sought after so I can find one or two most weeks. I tend to only go to two shops. The other is the Salvation Army- which is more likely to have an absolute bargain because the pricing people don’t necessarily know the value . Sheets tend to be $2-4 . Not a lot  for such a large piece of  fabric. A friend of mine in Aucklalnd makes vintage dresses out of them…so cute.

Finally, a retro sheet and tablecloth from this week.

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3 thoughts on “Friday

  1. Fabulous finds! We have an exceptional Thrift Shop in our village. The prices are extraordinarily but they make their money by sheer volume. I have made astounding fines and wonderful friends by being a regular, smart and savvy Thrifter.


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